Ruth Hunter

Ruth Hunter works in oils and cold wax to create paintings which invite emotional and spiritual contemplation. She works by applying marks, building up and breaking down, layering color over color until the imagery presents. Her subject matter is figurative. Her intent is to provoke a narrative from sense memory. Her use of color is informed by all her senses. She explains, "I never begin with a specific idea in mind. I start with an impulse, a gesture, a color that I react to emotionally in the way a listener reacts in conversation. The stories develop and change as I work. It's very much a conversation with myself.”

Ruth always knew she was destined to be an artist and by the time she was in her mid 20’s she was making her living with a brush, traveling to art shows and invitational exhibitions up and down the eastern seaboard, at last settling in Savannah where she was supported by galleries there. Over the next two decades she developed the mature style that we see today. And the story might have ended there if it had not been for one too many hurricanes. When Ruth was ultimately displaced by hurricane Maria in 2017, she journeyed west, landing in Portland as a climate refugee, grateful to start the new life that opened for her here.

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